PNOA Pre-Season Ski Trip 2024
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PNOA Pre-Season Ski Trip 2024

PNOA Pre-Season Ski Trip to Whistler Blackcomb, Dec 1-6, 2024 A Winter Tradition of Fun and Learning From December 1 to 6, 2024, over 50 ski enthusiasts from the Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) gathered at Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort for the annual pre-season ski trip. This event has become a cherished tradition, marking the…

Safety on Water Workshop Recap – November 3, 2024
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Safety on Water Workshop Recap – November 3, 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined PNOA’s Third Outdoor Safety Workshop, held on Sunday, November 3, 2024, at Elgin Hall! We were thrilled to welcome more than 48 participants who came to learn and enhance their knowledge of water safety and paddling essentials. Our lineup of expert speakers made this event both informative and engaging….

Discovering the Beauty of Ptarmigan Ridge and Picture Lake with PNOA
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Discovering the Beauty of Ptarmigan Ridge and Picture Lake with PNOA

This past weekend, I had the chance to hike one of the most scenic trails in the Mt. Baker area – Ptarmigan Ridge – followed by a peaceful walk around Picture Lake. If you’re looking for stunning mountain views, glaciers, and crystal-clear reflections, these two hikes offer an unforgettable experience. Ptarmigan Ridge: Glacial Grandeur, Mountain…

共同骑行,点亮希望——PNOA GCC 2024队伍的卓越成就
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共同骑行,点亮希望——PNOA GCC 2024队伍的卓越成就

在2024年的Great Cycle Challenge活动中,PNOA GCC 2024队伍取得了令人瞩目的成就。我们设定了5000公里的骑行目标,结果总骑行距离达到了惊人的9621公里,几乎是原计划的两倍。此外,我们的募捐目标同样是5000元,最终筹集到了8579元善款,这笔款项将用于支持SickKids基金会,帮助儿童癌症的研究和治疗。 今年,共有17名队员参与了这项挑战,其中有8名队员是第一次参与。特别值得一提的是,我们队伍中最年轻的成员——8岁的Zoe和5岁的Avi姐弟俩。Zoe在第二年参加挑战,骑行了554.1公里,募捐了1507元善款。弟弟Avi首次参与,完成了82公里的骑行,并筹集了306元。他们的勇气和努力深深激励了其他队员,展现了年轻一代的无限潜力。 同时,团队中的资深骑手老齐更是发挥了重要作用,他独自骑行了2850.9公里,为团队的成功贡献了巨大力量。他的坚持和毅力为所有队员树立了榜样,激励着大家共同追求目标。 通过这次挑战,PNOA GCC 2024队伍不仅在骑行和募捐上超越了预期,更重要的是提高了社会对儿童癌症的关注。我们明白,每一位队员的努力都在为那些需要帮助的孩子们点燃希望之光。 展望未来,我们将继续参加明年的挑战,为更多的孩子们贡献力量,再创佳绩!

2024 Third Quarter Newsletter
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2024 Third Quarter Newsletter

Dear Members, We hope you’ve had an adventurous and fulfilling summer! From scenic hikes through alpine landscapes to thrilling paddling trips on serene lakes, the third quarter of 2024 was packed with unforgettable outdoor activities. Let’s look back at some of the amazing events we shared: July 2024 Highlights: July 1: Our Canada Day celebration…

PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore
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PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore

On Oct 5, 2024, a crisp autumn morning, the PNOA community came together for a coastal cleanup at the Tsawwassen Causeway, turning an ordinary day by the water into a purposeful environmental action. With gloves, bags, and determination, volunteers combed the shoreline, picking up debris that would otherwise harm the ecosystem. It was a reminder…

Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024
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Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024

Last week, from September 21-29, I had the privilege of joining PNOA’s second annual fall expedition to the Canadian Rockies. This 9-day journey, packed with breathtaking scenery, incredible hikes, and unforgettable moments, is one I won’t soon forget. Days 1-4: Lake O’Hara Our group split into two teams: one setting up camp at Lake O’Hara,…

skoki mountain
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Banff Skoki Loop BP

前言 秋高气爽, 正是出游好时光, 9月下旬, PNOA组织了落基山背包露营活动. 依Timothy 一贯的大兵团作战思想, 这次还是采用了分进合击战术. 9月22-24号兵分两路, 老万率主力主攻Lake O’hara, 拔草圆梦, 斩获绝美大片无数; Timothy 率游击分队沿11号公路开辟班夫东面战场, 一度挺进到阿尔伯特人的后花园, 留影泡泡湖畔(Abraham Lake), 议定来年再来扩大战果. 同时还测试了电助力自行车队的机动能力, 顺道拿下梦莲湖金松谷当季金松. 9月25日兵合一处, 总攻Skoki 环线(Skoki Loop) 背包露营. Skoki 环线属于班夫国家公园, 它在背包客心中的地位就和路易斯湖在游客心中的地位相当. 营地非常抢手, 需要提前预订. 该环线大约39.2公里, 我们计划4天3晚完成, 不算太冒进, 但由于时间已经到了9月底, 山里气候难以预料, 还是具有一定的挑战性. 第一天 9月25日 阴, 鱼溪步道起点到贝克湖营地 (SK11), 13KM, 爬升670M 「背包徒步班夫边 湖畔露营听雨眠」 游击分队早就枕戈待旦, 首先进入位于路易斯湖滑雪场附近的前沿阵地. 作为先头部队率先出发. 主力从Lake O’hara 出山后, 立即补充给养, 更换装备, 随后跟进. …

PNOA 202408 Yellowstone Adventure: The Ultimate Cycling, Driving, and Exploring Expedition
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PNOA 202408 Yellowstone Adventure: The Ultimate Cycling, Driving, and Exploring Expedition

第一天:北线初探,暖身之旅我们的骑行从黄石北线展开,从Indian Creek营地出发,经过90.59公里的骑行,抵达黄石公园的东北门。沿途爬升累计达986米,尽管有些爬坡挑战,但一路风景如画,雄伟的山脉与幽静的森林相伴,令人心旷神怡。 第二天:熊牙挑战,极限之旅我们迎来了著名的熊牙公路骑行。这条全长62.53公里的路线从黄石公园东北门外的Silver Gate开始,最终攀升至Beartooth Pass Summit的顶峰,累计爬升1561米。这是一个考验体能和毅力的骑行,陡峭的上坡让人不禁“怀疑人生”,但沿途的景色却如一幅幅震撼心灵的画卷,险峻的山峰与辽阔的天空相互辉映,令人忘却疲惫。 第三天:东线寻奇,多变之旅我们骑行黄石东线,从Tower Junction出发,历经92.89公里到达Grant Village营地,累计爬升1226米。今天的骑行路线变化多端,沿途地形从广阔的草原到深邃的森林再到清澈见底的湖泊,景观变化让人目不暇接,宛如穿越不同的生态世界。 第四天:西线探秘,温泉之旅我们的骑行路线围绕黄石西线展开。从Grant Village营地出发,骑行102.32公里回到Indian Creek营地,累积爬升866米。这一天的亮点是我们造访了黄石公园的两大地标——Old Faithful间歇泉和大棱镜温泉(Grand Prismatic Spring)。这两处自然奇观无论从视觉还是体验上都让人叹为观止,我们不禁停下来拍照留念。随着这一天的结束,我们也顺利完成了黄石公园内环线的全程骑行,心中充满成就感。 第五天:峡谷震撼,视觉盛宴我们沿着黄石横线骑行,从黄石西门出发,骑行66.56公里抵达黄石大峡谷。这段骑行累计爬升651米。黄石大峡谷的壮丽景色难以言表,河流在峡谷中奔腾,瀑布飞流直下,岩壁色彩斑斓,变幻莫测的风光让人流连忘返。 第六天:大提顿风情,自由之旅今天是我们骑行大提顿国家公园的日子。团队首先自驾欣赏了大提顿山脉的壮丽景色,然后开始了从Jenny Lake到Jackson小镇的31.98公里全封闭单车道骑行,累计爬升117米。这段路况极佳,大家骑行得非常尽兴,仿佛身体和心灵都在广阔的天地中自由飞翔。尽管途中遭遇了大风和大雨的考验,但幸运的是,全员安全抵达终点,整个团队的默契和坚韧在这一刻得到了最好的诠释。 骑行后的采访感言骑行结束后,大家在现场接受了采访,畅谈各自的感受。有些人谈到路线的挑战和克服困难的成就感,有些人则表达了对大自然的敬畏和震撼。无论是骑行小队还是自驾小队,大家都深感此次活动不仅仅是一次运动,更是一场心灵的洗礼。 庆功宴上的分享时刻活动圆满结束后,骑行小队与自驾小队齐聚庆功宴,大家围坐一起,畅聊旅途中的趣事与难忘时刻。有人感叹身体的极限挑战,有人回忆路上的美景带来的心灵震撼,还有人分享了彼此之间日益加深的友谊。这场旅程不仅留下了难忘的回忆,更加深了彼此的默契与团结。

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival on the Waters of False Creek
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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival on the Waters of False Creek

Hosted by RDBS, LAPOWER, and PNOASeptember 15, 2024 This past Sunday, September 15, 2024, False Creek was alive with energy and excitement as the Richmond Dragon Boat Society (RDBS), LAPOWER, and the Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) came together to host a special dragon boat event in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. A Day of…

Conquering Brunswick Mountain with PNOA Members: A Day of Adventure
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Conquering Brunswick Mountain with PNOA Members: A Day of Adventure

Hike Information Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 15.6 KMElevation Gain: 1,595MHighest Elevation: 1,788M  Parking: Arrive early to secure a spot.  A Challenging Ascent It was a beautiful sunny day on August 31, 2024, a group of us from PNOA set out to conquer Brunswick Mountain, the highest peak in the North Shore mountains. The excitement was palpable as we…

Tundra Lake Backpacking Adventure: A Journey into Wilderness (August 2-5, 2024)
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Tundra Lake Backpacking Adventure: A Journey into Wilderness (August 2-5, 2024)

Day 0: August 2 (Friday) – The Journey Began Our adventure kicked off on a Friday afternoon as we left home, eager to escape into the wilderness. Our destination for the night was Driftwood Bay of Lillooet Lake, where we set up camp. The drive was smooth, and the anticipation of the journey ahead made…