共同骑行,点亮希望——PNOA GCC 2024队伍的卓越成就
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共同骑行,点亮希望——PNOA GCC 2024队伍的卓越成就

在2024年的Great Cycle Challenge活动中,PNOA GCC 2024队伍取得了令人瞩目的成就。我们设定了5000公里的骑行目标,结果总骑行距离达到了惊人的9621公里,几乎是原计划的两倍。此外,我们的募捐目标同样是5000元,最终筹集到了8579元善款,这笔款项将用于支持SickKids基金会,帮助儿童癌症的研究和治疗。 今年,共有17名队员参与了这项挑战,其中有8名队员是第一次参与。特别值得一提的是,我们队伍中最年轻的成员——8岁的Zoe和5岁的Avi姐弟俩。Zoe在第二年参加挑战,骑行了554.1公里,募捐了1507元善款。弟弟Avi首次参与,完成了82公里的骑行,并筹集了306元。他们的勇气和努力深深激励了其他队员,展现了年轻一代的无限潜力。 同时,团队中的资深骑手老齐更是发挥了重要作用,他独自骑行了2850.9公里,为团队的成功贡献了巨大力量。他的坚持和毅力为所有队员树立了榜样,激励着大家共同追求目标。 通过这次挑战,PNOA GCC 2024队伍不仅在骑行和募捐上超越了预期,更重要的是提高了社会对儿童癌症的关注。我们明白,每一位队员的努力都在为那些需要帮助的孩子们点燃希望之光。 展望未来,我们将继续参加明年的挑战,为更多的孩子们贡献力量,再创佳绩!

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival on the Waters of False Creek
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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival on the Waters of False Creek

Hosted by RDBS, LAPOWER, and PNOASeptember 15, 2024 This past Sunday, September 15, 2024, False Creek was alive with energy and excitement as the Richmond Dragon Boat Society (RDBS), LAPOWER, and the Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) came together to host a special dragon boat event in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. A Day of…

PNOA Social Gathering Ended with a Bang
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PNOA Social Gathering Ended with a Bang

The PNOA’s social gathering took place beautifully at Aldergrove Blacktail Picnic Shelter on June 29, 2024. The day was perfect, featuring a clear blue sky, fluffy white clouds, a gentle breeze, delicious food, and great company. Special thanks to Roy, our dedicated planning director, and James Zhang for his hard work in filming the event….

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太平洋西北户外协会(以下简称 PNOA)欢迎您为我们的活动贡献一份力量。为了节省您的时间并简化捐赠程序,PNOA 在 FastDrop/Depozip 平台上设立了一个专用账户来收集捐款。如果您有超过 150 个空瓶需要捐赠给 PNOA,FastDrop/Depozip 可以提供上门收集服务。您只需在他们的网站上注册一个账户,预约上门收集服务,并直接注明将捐款捐赠给 PNOA。感谢您的支持! 在Depozip的网站上注册账户的步骤如下: 在Depozip的网站上安排上门回收的步骤:

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为了变废为宝,也为了筹措资金更好地服务于会员们和群友们,太平洋西北户外协会(PNOA)正在和Regional Recycling 合作开展“瓶瓶罐罐”募捐活动。大家可以把家里可回收的废品(酒瓶、饮料瓶/盒、牛奶罐等等)集中起来,送到下面任何一个回收中心。注意: 谢谢,您完成了一笔对PNOA的募捐!!这些钱会自动存入协会的账户。 以下是和我们合作的回收站的地址和信息: Cloverdale Recycling Depot Hours OPEN: 7 Days a Week 9am – 5:30pmSTAT HOLIDAYS: 11am – 4pmCHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S EVE: 9am – 3pmCLOSED: Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Year’s DayADDRESS: 5534 – 176th Street Surrey, BC V3S 4C3PHONE: 1-855-701-7171EMAIL: Cloverdale@RegionalRecycling.ca  Richmond Recycling Depot Hours OPEN: 7 Days a Week 9am – 5:30pmSTAT HOLIDAYS: 11am – 4pmCHRISTMAS & NEW…

Henry (Chunhui) Zhang – GoFundMe
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Henry (Chunhui) Zhang – GoFundMe

A local hiker and friend of many of our members, Henry (Chunhui) Zhang, unexpectedly passed away on August 22nd, 2022, leaving behind his wife and two lovely daughters. The family was shocked and saddened by this loss and, unfortunately, not financially prepared. Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association, partnered with West Coast Mountaineering Foundation, LaPower Running Society,…

Great Cycle Challenge 2022
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Great Cycle Challenge 2022

Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) organized a team (PNOA GCC Team) to participate in 2022 Great Cycle Challenge to raise funds for SickKids Foundation to help fund children’s health research and children’s cancer treatment. Refer to this link for the details of the challenge: https://greatcyclechallenge.ca/Pages/About/the-cause/about-the-challenge The team set up two goals: to ride 2000 KM,…

Calendar Event 2022

Calendar Event 2022

As 2021 draws to a close, our first fundraiser has come to a close as well. We are extremely grateful for all the support from everyone during this fundraiser; many people donating cash directly, and some friends even purchasing up to 10 copies at a time! We managed to sell a total of 113 calendars…