Discovering the Beauty of Ptarmigan Ridge and Picture Lake with PNOA
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Discovering the Beauty of Ptarmigan Ridge and Picture Lake with PNOA

This past weekend, I had the chance to hike one of the most scenic trails in the Mt. Baker area – Ptarmigan Ridge – followed by a peaceful walk around Picture Lake. If you’re looking for stunning mountain views, glaciers, and crystal-clear reflections, these two hikes offer an unforgettable experience. Ptarmigan Ridge: Glacial Grandeur, Mountain…

2024 Third Quarter Newsletter
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2024 Third Quarter Newsletter

Dear Members, We hope you’ve had an adventurous and fulfilling summer! From scenic hikes through alpine landscapes to thrilling paddling trips on serene lakes, the third quarter of 2024 was packed with unforgettable outdoor activities. Let’s look back at some of the amazing events we shared: July 2024 Highlights: July 1: Our Canada Day celebration…

PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore
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PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore

On Oct 5, 2024, a crisp autumn morning, the PNOA community came together for a coastal cleanup at the Tsawwassen Causeway, turning an ordinary day by the water into a purposeful environmental action. With gloves, bags, and determination, volunteers combed the shoreline, picking up debris that would otherwise harm the ecosystem. It was a reminder…

Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024
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Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024

Last week, from September 21-29, I had the privilege of joining PNOA’s second annual fall expedition to the Canadian Rockies. This 9-day journey, packed with breathtaking scenery, incredible hikes, and unforgettable moments, is one I won’t soon forget. Days 1-4: Lake O’Hara Our group split into two teams: one setting up camp at Lake O’Hara,…

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival on the Waters of False Creek
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Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival on the Waters of False Creek

Hosted by RDBS, LAPOWER, and PNOASeptember 15, 2024 This past Sunday, September 15, 2024, False Creek was alive with energy and excitement as the Richmond Dragon Boat Society (RDBS), LAPOWER, and the Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) came together to host a special dragon boat event in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. A Day of…



碎片群岛(Broken Group Islands Unit)属于太平洋海岸国家公园 (Pacific Rim National Park Reserve),位于温哥华岛的西边,  被誉为划船者的天堂,  这是一片美丽而狂野的海岸雨林. 虽然公园的大部分地区都受到太平洋巨浪无遮挡的冲击,但碎片群岛却是例外, 该水域大部分时间风平浪静, 适合皮划艇运动初学者。虽然横穿海峡航道时,可能会遇到一些翻滚的海浪或白浪,但小心一点划,也不会有什么大问题。真正的新手可以请租船公司直接连人带船把你运到平静的水域再开始划. 我们在出发前做了充分的训练, 有能力抗拒风浪, 自然是全程划过去. 你可能会问,为什么要大老远跑去碎片群岛划船?为了体验遥远的西海岸的全貌:迷雾朦胧的海岸线, 阳光普照的寂静森林, 令人无法抗拒的海风, 宁静的海湾, 白色的沙滩, 碧绿清澈的海水, 还有水下摇曳生姿的水下植物,   簇拥在橙色和紫色海星周围的绿色海葵,停满了海鸥的礁石, 笨笨的海蛳, 紧紧依附在险峻的悬崖上的古树,就像一座座精心设计好的形态各异的盆景园,小鹿安静的吃草, 老鹰在头顶飞翔. 在这个世界的角落, 这么雄伟壮观的景色, 只有身临其境才能尽情感受。 像这么好的地方自然是热门景点, 行程都是要提前几个月预定好. 天气情况就只能听天由命了. 我们这次出行由PNOA经验丰富的Suzey 策划领队. 并邀请到专业搜救队员Andrew, 一个非常热心的白人小伙, 以及童子军资深领队Maddie 护航. 我们就没有什么需要操心的. 除了为皮划艇的防水舱小, 装不下太多食物而发愁. 因为岛上没有淡水, 五天的用水都需要自己带过去.  第一天, 8月25号, 晴 从温哥华出发, 乘中午的轮渡到Nanaimo 后又开了三个半小时, 才到达离Ucluelet 镇不远的秘密海滩营地.  Suzey…

Conquering Brunswick Mountain with PNOA Members: A Day of Adventure
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Conquering Brunswick Mountain with PNOA Members: A Day of Adventure

Hike Information Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 15.6 KMElevation Gain: 1,595MHighest Elevation: 1,788M  Parking: Arrive early to secure a spot.  A Challenging Ascent It was a beautiful sunny day on August 31, 2024, a group of us from PNOA set out to conquer Brunswick Mountain, the highest peak in the North Shore mountains. The excitement was palpable as we…

Tundra Lake Backpacking Adventure: A Journey into Wilderness (August 2-5, 2024)
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Tundra Lake Backpacking Adventure: A Journey into Wilderness (August 2-5, 2024)

Day 0: August 2 (Friday) – The Journey Began Our adventure kicked off on a Friday afternoon as we left home, eager to escape into the wilderness. Our destination for the night was Driftwood Bay of Lillooet Lake, where we set up camp. The drive was smooth, and the anticipation of the journey ahead made…

PNOA Social Gathering Ended with a Bang
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PNOA Social Gathering Ended with a Bang

The PNOA’s social gathering took place beautifully at Aldergrove Blacktail Picnic Shelter on June 29, 2024. The day was perfect, featuring a clear blue sky, fluffy white clouds, a gentle breeze, delicious food, and great company. Special thanks to Roy, our dedicated planning director, and James Zhang for his hard work in filming the event….

A Day of Community and Conservation at Garibaldi Park
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A Day of Community and Conservation at Garibaldi Park

We, the Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association, were excited to be part of a joint effort by the Friends of Garibaldi Park, the British Columbia Mountaineering Club, and Garibaldi Park rangers to spend a wonderful day trimming brushes on Diamond Head Road. From the parking lot to Red Heather, our team worked tirelessly, cutting high, low, and wide…

没雪的夏季怎么提高滑雪技能 – 《Total Skiing》读书笔记

没雪的夏季怎么提高滑雪技能 – 《Total Skiing》读书笔记

不管大家是多么的恋恋不舍, 滑雪季终究是过去了. 那么怎么在这漫长的夏季为下个雪季的滑雪做哪些准备呢? 最近我读了一本书, Chris Fellows 写的Total Skiing. 这是我读的第一本关于滑雪的书, 觉得很不错就把读书笔记分享各大家, 希望有所帮助. 书中详细解释练习各个动作原因和效果, 看一遍原著肯定会受益更多. 滑雪教练认证考试往往侧重于技能培训, 而这本书是教大家按运动表现金字塔进行恰当的训练,以获得最佳的滑雪表现. 换句话说, 这本书教的是内功, 而不是招式. 而夏季正好是修炼内功的时候. 北美滑雪训练中心使用四层金字塔模型来评估动作的质量. 最底层是功能性动作, 往上依次是体能, 技术和战术. 金字塔的四个层次涉及滑雪表现中因果关系的动态过程. 功能性动作是基础. 如果功能性动作不够扎实, 上面的体能, 技术和战术全部会失去效用.  为找到自身的不对称或局限因素, 作者提出了一套体系对金字塔个层级进行技能评估. 通过评估滑雪者可以知道在哪些方面有改善的空间, 并且列出了相应的训练方法. 我们需要对各层级进行技能评估, 才能制定有针对性的训练计划. 评估也很简单, 自己在家就可以做. 一 功能性动作 1 概念 功能性动作可以分解为稳定性和灵活性两个方面: 稳定性指在外部条件变化和外力的影响下身体保持稳定的能力. 包括平衡,力量和肌肉耐力这几个要素.  滑雪时我们需要让身体一部分固定, 同时伸缩相邻部分, 这样才能在穿行折转中控制速度和保持一致的姿态. 灵活性涵盖关节正常活动度和肌肉柔韧性两方面. 它是正确动作, 伤害预防和流畅滑行的核心. 仅仅有良好的灵活性和核心稳定性并不足以培养精湛的滑雪动作. 滑雪是一种动态平衡. 动态平衡取决于基础支撑. CSIA 把保持动态平衡的动作称为行进中动作, 这是该联盟教学方法的基石….