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PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore

On Oct 5, 2024, a crisp autumn morning, the PNOA community came together for a coastal cleanup at the Tsawwassen Causeway, turning an ordinary day by the water into a purposeful environmental action. With gloves, bags, and determination, volunteers combed the shoreline, picking up debris that would otherwise harm the ecosystem. It was a reminder that even small efforts can make a big impact on our environment.

What made the day even more special was the response from passers-by and drivers at the nearby ferry terminal. Many expressed their gratitude, giving us waves and words of thanks as they watched us work. Their encouragement added to the feeling that this was not just another volunteer day—it was a social cause that resonated with the broader community.

In the afternoon, after the hard work was done, we gathered for a potluck, where everyone brought their favorite dishes to share. Suzey provided an insightful First Aid Basic Introduction, equipping us with essential skills for future outdoor adventures. The outdoor equipment display also attracted attention, offering a chance to check out the latest gear and exchange tips. To top it off, we enjoyed some light-hearted games, bringing smiles all around and ending the day on a joyful note.

Though it was a tiring day, the shared sense of accomplishment and the fun moments afterward made it truly unforgettable. The event reminded us that caring for the environment is not just about the work—it’s about the connections we make and the happiness that comes from giving back together.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Roy Cao for organizing the incredible Coastal Cleanup event at the Tsawwassen Causeway. Your dedication and effort made the day not only successful but also memorable for everyone involved.

PNOA 在 Tsawwassen 堤道的海岸清理:海岸边有意义的一天

在10月5日一个清爽的秋日早晨,PNOA 社区齐聚 Tsawwassen 堤道进行海岸清理,将平凡的海边日子变成了有目的的环保行动。志愿者们戴着手套,带着袋子,带着决心,在海岸线上搜寻,捡起原本会危害生态系统的垃圾。这提醒我们,即使是小小的努力也能对我们的环境产生巨大的影响。


下午,在辛苦工作完成后,我们聚在一起吃顿便饭,每个人都带了自己最喜欢的菜肴来分享。Suzey 还提供了有远见的基础急救介绍,为我们未来的户外探险提供了必要的技能。 户外装备展示也吸引了人们的注意,为大家提供了查看最新装备和交流技巧的机会。最重要的是,我们玩了一些轻松的游戏,让大家笑逐颜开,以愉快的心情结束了这一天。


我们衷心感谢 Roy Cao 在 Tsawwassen 堤道组织了这次精彩的海岸清洁活动。您的奉献和努力不仅让这一天取得了成功,而且让所有参与者都难忘。

PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway Highlight Video by Linda

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