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Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024

Last week, from September 21-29, I had the privilege of joining PNOA’s second annual fall expedition to the Canadian Rockies. This 9-day journey, packed with breathtaking scenery, incredible hikes, and unforgettable moments, is one I won’t soon forget.

Days 1-4: Lake O’Hara

Our group split into two teams: one setting up camp at Lake O’Hara, and the other venturing out from Canmore, exploring the vast Banff National Park by car, day hikes, and e-bikes. The Lake O’Hara team spent three days hiking its surrounding trails, immersing ourselves in the alpine beauty. Despite unfavorable weather, the majestic sight of Yukness Mountain towering over nine alpine lakes left us speechless.

On September 22, we tackled the renowned Lake O’Hara Alpine Circuit, a demanding route but the best way to appreciate the surrounding peaks and lakes. We scrambled across scree slopes, traversed high ridges, and gazed down at turquoise lakes far below—Oesa, Opabin, and Hungabee. The circuit offered an ever-changing view as we wound around the mountain, with each bend revealing a new facet of the landscape.

The following day, we set out on the Linda Lake and McArthur Lake Loop, walking through meadows of golden larches that glowed under overcast skies. Linda Lake was a mirror reflecting the autumn colors, and we lingered there, soaking in the calm. Later, McArthur Lake greeted us with its surreal blue waters, tucked beneath towering cliffs.

The third day was a highlight: Abbot Pass Hut and the Opabin Plateau. Starting early, we hiked up the steep scree to reach Abbot Pass, where the thin air and alpine solitude took our breath away. Straddling the Alberta-British Columbia border, we marveled at the stone hut that had stood here for over 100 years—until it was dismantled due to erosion in 2022. It felt like the end of an era. Afterward, the trail to the Opabin Plateau rewarded us with sweeping views of Lake O’Hara and the surrounding peaks.

Days 5-8: The Skoki Loop

On September 25, part of both teams reunited for a 4-day backpacking adventure on the Skoki Loop. Skoki is far less known compared to Lake O’Hara, but its understated beauty captured our hearts. The expansive valleys, golden larch forests, and tranquil lakes made for a peaceful escape from the crowds.

Day one took us from Ptarmigan Lake to Baker Lake, where we set up camp. The hike in was peaceful, with snow-dusted peaks in the distance and the trail winding through meadows of yellow and orange. The setting sun cast a soft glow on the alpine, and  if it’s warmer we would like to have a cold, refreshing dip in Ptarmigan Lake.

On day two, we headed towards Merline Meadows and the summit of Skoki Mountain. From the top, the panoramic views were incredible—the contrast between the reddish hues of Pipestone Mountain and the deep blue of Skoki Lakes below was unforgettable. We spent some time at the summit, soaking in the sense of remoteness before descending to camp.

Day three took us from Merline Meadows to Hidden Lake via Packer Pass Trail–an adventurous route with fewer hikers. The solitude was striking, especially as we ascended the trail towards the Unity Peak Route. Our last morning hike provided a spectacular send-off: as we neared Hidden Lake, the sight of Richardson Mountain towering over the landscape made the perfect finale to this leg of the trip.


Throughout the trip, we covered over 110 kilometres, with seven full days of hiking, including a challenging three-day backpacking section. Every step was worth it to experience the vivid autumn colors of the Rockies. From alpine circuits to hidden mountain passes, this trip was a reminder of nature’s ability to both challenge and inspire.

The Canadian Rockies in the fall are a magical place, and I can’t wait to return.

PNOA 2024 加拿大落基山秋之旅

上周,即 9 月 21 日至 29 日,我有幸参加了 PNOA 第二次年度加拿大落基山金秋之行。这次为期 9 天的旅程充满了令人叹为观止的风光、难以置信的爬山徒步和令人难忘的激动时刻,永远难忘。

1-4 天:奥哈拉湖


9 月 22 日,我们踏上了著名的奥哈拉湖高山环路,这是一条艰险的路线,但却是欣赏周围高山和群湖的最佳方式。我们爬过碎石坡,穿过高高的山脊,凝视远处碧绿的湖泊——奥萨湖、奥帕宾湖和洪加比湖。当我们绕山蜿蜒而行时,景色随之不断变化,真可谓是步移景易,每个弯都会有新的惊艳。


第三天是整个奥哈拉之行的亮点:阿博特山口小屋和奥帕宾高原。我们一早出发,手脚并用沿着陡峭的碎石流砂坡,爬上阿博特山口。那里因海拨高,空气稀薄。环顾四周,犹如外星般山峰,和寂静使我们屏息凝神。脚下横跨艾伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚两省,看着眼前仅残存的一角,我们想像着那个曾经矗立于此超过 100 年的石屋。 它于 2022 年因基础侵蚀而被拆除。石屋曾经给无数像我们一样的登山客遮风挡雨,它的拆除就像一个时代的终结。下撒回营途中,又沿尤克内斯山腰通往奥帕宾高原的小径让我们再次领略到了奥哈拉湖和周围山峰的壮丽景色。

5-8 天:斯科基环路

9 月 25 日,两队的部分成员重聚,在斯科基环路进行了为期 4 天的背包行。与奥哈拉湖相比,斯科基环线的知名度要低得多,但它低调的美依旧俘获了我们的心。该环线上广阔的山谷、大片大片的金色落叶松森林和众多的湖泊让我们在远离那些纷杂的热门路线时,仍享受到了壮美的秋色。

第一天,我们经 Ptarmigan 湖到达 Baker 湖畔扎营。途中一路空阔宁静,小径蜿蜒,穿过黄色金松林和橙色的草地。远处积雪覆盖的山峰,引领我们到达当天的终点 。和风日丽,当我们经过Ptarmigan 湖时, 还想如果天气暖和些,我们真想跃入畅游一番。傍晚时,湖面微波荡漾,落日的余晖洒山顶。

第二天,一早我们雨雪中拨营,前往 Merline Meadows 营地。之后爬上 Skoki 山。登顶俯瞰,全景美不胜收——Pipestone 山和 Cyclone 山的红色色调与下方 Skoki 湖的深蓝色形成鲜明对比。我们在山顶短停,远望空阔群山,思绪游历于遥远天际,深感于自身的渺小。然后于天黑前下撤回营地。

第三天,我们从 Merline Meadows 经由 Packer Pass Trail 来到 Hidden Lake——这条路线人迹稀少,途中攀崖涉水,难度不小,但景色更美。从营地出来,我们选了一个新路线。当我们沿着小径踏上去 Unity Peak 线路时,野径无人,虽略感孤独,但遍野金松,在夕阳下金碧辉煌,令人震撼。第四天, 我们一早就去了这次行程的最后一个路线,作为先别之旅。我们来到隐湖时,理查森山高耸入云,山下色彩斑斓,为这次旅行画上了完美的句号。


整个行程,我们走了 110 多公里,徒步了整整七天,其中三天是背包行。背包每天换营地,加之多变的天气,充满挑战,但其间每一步都很值得。因为它能使我们从崇山峻岭,高湖飞瀑,丛森小溪全方位体验落基山明艳的秋色。七天之行,既证明了大自然的挑战,又能激发我们的灵感。


Lake O’Hara and Skoki Trip Highlights By Yuki
Lake O’Hara Highlights By Cynthia
Skoki Backpacking Highlights By Cynthia
Kananaskis/ Abramham Lake/Moraine Lake Day hike Highlights by Lisa

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