The Rockwall BP (石墙路背包行)

The Rockwall BP (石墙路背包行)

1 计划 石墙道是一条多日背包步道, 位于加拿大境内落基山脉的Kootenay 国家公园内. 全长56公里, 沿途可看到瀑布, 溪流, 冰川和高山湖, 当然还有最有名的石墙. 可以从南往北走, 也可以反方向从北往南走, 一般人花三到五天走完. 像这种著名的步道, 营地都需要事先在国家公园网站预订, 一般都是秒光. PNOA协会从年初就开始计划. 准备充分, 又得力于团队有2位金手指, 为我们南北两个方向的每个营地都抢到了至少5个帐篷位子(pad). 公园规定一支队伍的人数最多十人, 所以我们二十人的大部队分成两个小分队, A队从北往南, B队从南往北走, 两队相向而下, 在中途某个地方会师. 队里有经验丰富的大神领队,但也有不少是背包小白, 就悠着点来, 按五天计划, 平均每天走11公里. 途中有4个营地可以过夜, 所谓的营地, 也就是几块平整过的碎石地. 背包里除了要背过夜的帐篷和睡袋, 还要背5天的食物及净水设备. 平均每人负重15到18公斤. 这是一个什么概念呢? 战国名将吴起在魏国训练的精锐部队魏武卒的入门标准是负重50多斤, 半日行军百里. 史书上没有记载爬升多高, 但想象在中原地区奔驰百里之遥, 不可能全在平地. 所以与魏武卒相比, 这个只是蜗牛爬. 但我们没有称霸户外江湖的野心, 只是游山玩水, 只要背得动, 蜗牛速度也可以出门了. 为了从小白晋升到蜗牛爬, 队员们几个月前就开始了魔鬼训练, 除了日常跑步,爬山和骑车等基础训练之外, PNOA协会还组织了几次短途的背包露营, 比如Elfin lakes 一日露营,…

Pedaling for a Purpose: PNOA’s Triumph in the 2023 Great Cycle Challenge

Pedaling for a Purpose: PNOA’s Triumph in the 2023 Great Cycle Challenge

In the heart of the picturesque Pacific Northwest, amidst towering pines and scenic routes, a dedicated group of individuals united under the banner of the Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) embarked on a remarkable journey during the August 2023 Great Cycle Challenge. Their mission: To make a difference in the lives of children battling cancer…

Our Stance on Cycling

Our Stance on Cycling

Bicycling is the most common form of transport in the world, and is a global phenomenon. We aim to transform people’s mindsets and give them the tools to take control of their health, to create a better future and, ultimately, to lead healthy, happy lives. We believe that cycling can help you to achieve your…

Henry (Chunhui) Zhang – GoFundMe
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Henry (Chunhui) Zhang – GoFundMe

A local hiker and friend of many of our members, Henry (Chunhui) Zhang, unexpectedly passed away on August 22nd, 2022, leaving behind his wife and two lovely daughters. The family was shocked and saddened by this loss and, unfortunately, not financially prepared. Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association, partnered with West Coast Mountaineering Foundation, LaPower Running Society,…

Great Cycle Challenge 2022
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Great Cycle Challenge 2022

Pacific Northwest Outdoor Association (PNOA) organized a team (PNOA GCC Team) to participate in 2022 Great Cycle Challenge to raise funds for SickKids Foundation to help fund children’s health research and children’s cancer treatment. Refer to this link for the details of the challenge: The team set up two goals: to ride 2000 KM,…

Calendar Event 2022

Calendar Event 2022

As 2021 draws to a close, our first fundraiser has come to a close as well. We are extremely grateful for all the support from everyone during this fundraiser; many people donating cash directly, and some friends even purchasing up to 10 copies at a time! We managed to sell a total of 113 calendars…