Discovering the Beauty of Ptarmigan Ridge and Picture Lake with PNOA
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Discovering the Beauty of Ptarmigan Ridge and Picture Lake with PNOA

This past weekend, I had the chance to hike one of the most scenic trails in the Mt. Baker area – Ptarmigan Ridge – followed by a peaceful walk around Picture Lake. If you’re looking for stunning mountain views, glaciers, and crystal-clear reflections, these two hikes offer an unforgettable experience. Ptarmigan Ridge: Glacial Grandeur, Mountain…

2024 Third Quarter Newsletter
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2024 Third Quarter Newsletter

Dear Members, We hope you’ve had an adventurous and fulfilling summer! From scenic hikes through alpine landscapes to thrilling paddling trips on serene lakes, the third quarter of 2024 was packed with unforgettable outdoor activities. Let’s look back at some of the amazing events we shared: July 2024 Highlights: July 1: Our Canada Day celebration…

PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore
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PNOA Coastal Cleanup at Tsawwassen Causeway: A Meaningful Day by the Shore

On Oct 5, 2024, a crisp autumn morning, the PNOA community came together for a coastal cleanup at the Tsawwassen Causeway, turning an ordinary day by the water into a purposeful environmental action. With gloves, bags, and determination, volunteers combed the shoreline, picking up debris that would otherwise harm the ecosystem. It was a reminder…

Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024
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Autumn Adventures in the Canadian Rockies: PNOA’s Fall Trip 2024

Last week, from September 21-29, I had the privilege of joining PNOA’s second annual fall expedition to the Canadian Rockies. This 9-day journey, packed with breathtaking scenery, incredible hikes, and unforgettable moments, is one I won’t soon forget. Days 1-4: Lake O’Hara Our group split into two teams: one setting up camp at Lake O’Hara,…

Conquering Brunswick Mountain with PNOA Members: A Day of Adventure
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Conquering Brunswick Mountain with PNOA Members: A Day of Adventure

Hike Information Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 15.6 KMElevation Gain: 1,595MHighest Elevation: 1,788M  Parking: Arrive early to secure a spot.  A Challenging Ascent It was a beautiful sunny day on August 31, 2024, a group of us from PNOA set out to conquer Brunswick Mountain, the highest peak in the North Shore mountains. The excitement was palpable as we…

Tundra Lake Backpacking Adventure: A Journey into Wilderness (August 2-5, 2024)
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Tundra Lake Backpacking Adventure: A Journey into Wilderness (August 2-5, 2024)

Day 0: August 2 (Friday) – The Journey Began Our adventure kicked off on a Friday afternoon as we left home, eager to escape into the wilderness. Our destination for the night was Driftwood Bay of Lillooet Lake, where we set up camp. The drive was smooth, and the anticipation of the journey ahead made…

The Hidden Gem of Pemberton: A Thrilling Adventure with PNOA to Mount Rohr on July 27, 2024
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The Hidden Gem of Pemberton: A Thrilling Adventure with PNOA to Mount Rohr on July 27, 2024

It comes to hiking near Whistler, British Columbia, Mount Rohr might not be the first trail that comes to mind. However, for those adventurous souls looking to veer off the beaten path, the Mt. Rohr hike offers an unparalleled experience that combines challenge, stunning views, and an extraordinary sense of accomplishment. The Journey Began Our…

Chief 3-2-1 Peaks Via Slhanay Peak Trail

Chief 3-2-1 Peaks Via Slhanay Peak Trail

  Highlights#1 这次活动PNOA由经验丰富的白水先生担纲领队和通盘指挥, 他周密的部署和事无巨细的定制计划,从路线到设备配备堪称精细完美, 为了防止有人掉队失联, 每人配备一部对讲机以防万一。 21位勇士手脚并用,行走在巨岩缝隙间,从早上7点开始攀爬,用时7个多小时。 路线上我们反其道而行之,从Peak3 – Peak 2- Peak 1, 避开行人密集,道路容易阻塞的天梯和铁链,其次人员分为快队和慢队, 有人开路有人断后, 白水先生穿插其中,每个转弯点都有人用对讲机提醒,没有错过一个view point! 登上第三峰眺望第一峰和第二峰,看到上面的人非常渺小, 手机需要个横屏·。应该说第三峰最容易, 不用爬梯或铁链, 山头有一汪清水, 倒影着蓝天白云,和我们team的五颜六色的着装,大家互相拍照,有队友还拿出户外椅端坐在高耸入云的山尖尖,凹造型摆拍, 好不惬意啊。 第二峰开始难度加大, 山石嶙峋,又陡又窄岩壁,有几段需要拉铁链爬铁梯, 然而最难的登顶第一峰, 经过千万年的冰河洗刷,很多岩石都成了一块光溜溜的岩壁, 几乎垂直于地面, 尤其是直上直下的云梯真的是考验胆儿的, 光秃秃的山顶, 四周毫无防护十分陡峭近于绝壁, 登上云梯我告诉我自己哦我今天到底是干了件多么疯狂的事情啊。。。 在大家全部登顶的那一刻, 胜利的喜悦溢于言表, 站在山巅上我们team大摄影师为大家留下英雄般的合影,瑜伽高手尽兴表演, 段子手妙语涟涟,石壁,溪流,高耸入云的劲松, 阳光透过树叶间隙洒向人间, 照在身上暖洋洋的, 这是人的内心与大自然的共振, 可遇不可求。。。 世界之美在于探险, 总有身体·在地狱,眼睛在天堂的征服感, 毕竟人是需要走出舒服区有一点探险的勇气, 上高路远看世界, 也是找自己。 感谢领队白水先生, 感谢队友的无私相助互相关照,感恩王大摄影师慷慨为大家拍照, 特别是男队员谦虚地留在后面断后,在每个路口等待和提醒大家,他们是大海,Roy,Romeo,Tony, Raymond。。。呵呵 山河远阔, 人间值得, 真好